Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Promise

I wish I had something concrete to believe in. I'm starting to fear that I've been lied to from the very hour of my birth. Or perhaps everyone is lied to.

The lies grip your head before sensibility has any chance to counter them, you are left stripped off your dignity, wealth, courage. Cursed to live amongst liars, and fairytale promises, conditioned to believe without condition, damned to live in fear.

Is this not the greatest injustice?, yet the hand of the first intellectual, is swiftly cut down in fear.

This is their greatest defense, those who live in fear, propogate fear within our children, who later follow orders that they instill in their hearts, all on their own at a later age. Oh the irony.

My friends, we are celebrating a notion, not a fact.

Believe in this, for whatever may be,

He still loves you dearly.

Does he not?.


Friday, July 09, 2010

Meet The Sun

Hearbeats like an angel tapping rhythmically to a drum
Violent flashes of light, fluids rush with great vigor
Vibrating vessels and bringing soft warmth.
The reaction renders cheeks red and swollen
Humming with euphoria as eyes are drawn, and lips parted.
It is a moment where one ceases to be, and everything is beautiful
