Wednesday, October 05, 2005

A Day in Sharjah

I know its late but I thought I'd blog about how our day went celebrating my birthday/taking in the 'sights' in Sharjah,

If you ask Hitesh or Richard they'd tell you that it made them appreciate Dubai's scenic value more,

I for one found it to be a really quaint place,I especially loved the walk to the Ferris wheel (which we've been talking about trying for ages) with the moat thing and the bridge walk,come to think of it , it reminded me alot of the AH area in FFXI in the Elvaan territory,(MMO geek blog quota fulfilled).

The Ferris ride was really cool though, we had alot of fun screaming obscenities into the microphone and Sarah recorded the whole time with her digicam.
We also tried out the rides at Sahara centre which was f**king A,regardless of what I had thought earlier, they look like kiddie coin pushers but don't let that fool you.
We rode the 'Asteroid twice' and rode the 'Tidal wave' 3 times while singing either Last Kiss or Black throughout ;).

Sarah's and her mom were nice enough to buy me two cakes to celebrate back at her place , here are a few pics they took.

P.S (excuse the 'stoner look' I seemed to sport the whole day on account of a full 2 days of partying)

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Us tired after the whole thing was over

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Stoner image of me and Richard

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Before going out I cut the cake and...

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This too (I gave some to Shehara,Karan and Sarah too though I haven't got those pictures with me)


Anonymous said...



what about the partay?

Anonymous said...


HI DAYAAAAAAAAAN I'm glad you had fun, was rather worried once you all got there and almost fell asleep.

Here's hoping next year finds us all in the arms of the one and only pr0n stah, chadwickstein ^_^

Happy 19th, beetch :D

Chris said...


Wish I was there...


Dayaan Swiftheart W said...

Next year Chris ;)

Anonymous said...

lol..ferris wheel!! haha
i live in sharjah...*yeuuukkhhh*!

